3) don't do or say something just because you think you ought to. That makes the action and dialogue and action forced, 4) let yourself go (I mean: safely), don't think that you're doing a RP ("acting"), inhabit your fantasy, 5) vary your scenario (including cooking and prepping methods) and characters when you do it multiple times, so it all stays fresh. BTW one variation is that if you're both ok with this, she could vary between consensual and non. It could even be where you aren't too willing: you love her, but you ARE hungry.or you're both stranded and starving and she sacrifices herself (noble lady that she is!) for you to eat which you do reluctantly.sort of. Having your partner tied up off to the side (possibly already naked) while you're just getting the prep materials set out can add to the fantasy. Probably a simple wrist tie with a rope tied someplace else, or suspended from a point above her if possible would be enough. That can start a peril mindset for her as she can do nothing but stand/sit there and think about her fate, especially if you describe what's going to happen to her in role-play dialogue as you're just setting up.

Depending on bondage experience and equipment, maybe you can get a little elaborate like mimicking the classic hanging from a pole tied to the wrist/arms and ankles/lower legs hunting style (like maybe not actually suspended, she can just be on her back with the pole not intended to be carried in the air) If you have some sort of beam or pole, you can tie her to that. Someone already mentioned taking the time to "tenderize" right before this. A combination of massages, rubbing some oil/whatever else in, maybe some good spankings. Not for everyone, but depending on different preferences, this would be a good opportunity to add in some enema play. I think Muki said in a couple places recently that from his experience (not mine) that models he had just lying prone on their bellies and breasts on a flat surface, butt in the air, before any prepping happens orgasm just from holding that position for a while (forgive me Mr.

If I were to guess, it might be a combination of humiliating exhibitionism and having to hold that position, especially if the mind-space is that meat is already dispatched.

That might be useful to know (again, everyone's different, so not a rule). Maybe it's because of some stress today, I keep thinking back to this topic.