Thanatos (First Cousin Twice Removed) †.Epimetheus (First Cousin Once Removed) †.Prometheus (First Cousin Once Removed) †.Amphitrite (First Cousin Once Removed/Aunt).Orkos (Nephew/First Cousin Twice Removed) †.Aphrodite (Half-Sister/Sister-in-Law/Lover).Hephaestus (Half-Brother/Brother-in-Law) †.The Esteemed, Retired God of War (by Odin).Powerful God with Impossibly High Expectations (by Atreus).Monster (by Himself, Heimdall and Odin).Brother (by Athena, Deimos, Hercules and Mimir).Death, the Destroyer of Worlds (by the Grave Digger).The Slayer of Gods/Godslayer (formerly).

The Servant/Champion/Fist of Ares (formerly).Cruel Striker/Fárbauti (ᚠᚨᚱᛒᚨᚢᛏᛁ) (in Loki's shrine and by Verðandi).